How to get your clients carry you around and winning new customers Is a lot easier.

How to get your clients carry you around and winning new customers Is a lot easier.

How to get your clients to carry you around:

First of all,
You need to know your customers. What do they like? What do they hate? What keeps them up at night? You need to know their pain points and then develop a way to help them.

You have to be an expert in your industry. You have to be able to provide value. If the customer doesn’t feel that investing in you will return, they will not continue the relationship.

Thirdly, You have to be willing and able to go above and beyond for your customers.

At A company, we worked with a great sales rep who was very responsive and did a great job of bringing in new business through cold canvas techniques. He also spent his time helping his customers by answering questions or providing one-on-one training where he would travel on weekends to meet with customers and offer them training in person. It could be difficult for the company and clients when he left the company because the replacement sales rep was still learning the ropes and didn’t have the experience our previous representative had.

His customers were more demanding because he wasn’t as responsive. The expectation for us had shifted even though we didn’t realize it.
So if you’re looking to maximize your revenue and have a steady flow of income coming in, you have to take it a step further.
You can’t rely on cold canvases but need to focus on new business. If you’re already doing this, then great! If not, here’s how to get your clients to carry you around.

Selling to your existing customers is a proven way to grow your business.
When you have a strong base of happy customers, it becomes easier to convince your clients to carry you around in their bags and refer you to their business friends.

As companies seek to grow, and the blockade in that growth is the human factor, how to cope with this challenge?

Hyper-Personalization At Scale, Scaling Personalization

Hyper-personalization is the trend that takes personalization up a notch. Rather than using names, company names, or locations, you use their behavioural data ? the real-time interactions they have with your brand. This is hyper-personalization, using data to send personalized content across all stages of the funnel.

The real-time analytics regarding the recent activity will let you send a behaviour-based in-app or email that starts a conversation about pricing. For example, when your user visits your pricing page. But they leave without any transaction. That’s hyper-personalization.

While traditional personalization tactics like showing your visitor’s name and location effectively build trust, it’s not enough anymore. Today’s consumer expects brands to be hyper-personalized based on their behaviour and preferences.

Hyper-personalization is a step further than traditional personalization tactics because it uses behavioural data to send personalized content across all funnel stages. In other words, it uses data to alter the consumer journey at every touchpoint to maximize customer experience and conversion rate.

If you think it’s time to bring your customer success to the next level, schedule a meeting with one of our growth hacking experts to achieve your objectives.


About the author

I’m Marco van den Akker, a strategist and marketer who uses data and creativity to grow Plusgrowth clients’ businesses. I’m always happy to work with towards measurable results.

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