Automate Marketing for More Leads

Automate Marketing for More Leads


Marketing automation enables lead generation and customer acquisition in an efficient and scalable manner. Using automated workflows and campaigns, companies can identify, reach and qualify potential customers without too much manual effort. Lead generation is a crucial part of any successful inbound marketing strategy. By marketing automation use for lead generation, companies can generate more leads, follow up leads better and ultimately acquire more customers.

In this guide, we look at how marketing automation can help improve your lead generation efforts. We discuss the benefits of automation, the different ways it leads to more leads, helpful tools you can use and more. Read on for tips and advice on using marketing automation for effective lead generation.

Benefits of marketing automation

Marketing automation offers a number of important benefits to businesses.

First, it saves a lot of time. Marketing automation software can perform tasks such as sending email campaigns, website personalization and lead scoring automatically. This saves marketers a lot of time they would otherwise have to spend on this.

In addition, it provides more consistency. Marketing campaigns can be standardized so that every customer or lead gets the same experience. This improves the customer experience.

Finally, it leads to more and better leads. Automation streamlines the lead generation process, allowing more leads to be generated. Also, leads can be better scored and qualified based on their behavior (Fat Digital).

How marketing automation leads to more leads

Marketing automation helps companies generate more and better leads by automating processes such as lead scoring, lead nurturing and sending personalized content.

Lead scoring allows companies to automatically score leads based on their behavior on the website. That way, you know which leads are the most sales-ready and can focus your sales and marketing efforts on them. According to a Marketo survey, 78% of marketers use lead scoring to qualify leads.

Lead nurturing is the process by which you "nurture" leads who are not yet sales-ready by sending them the right content at the right time. Think a series of automated emails or a personalized content campaign. This ensures that more leads eventually make a purchase. Marketo found that companies that apply lead nurturing generate 55% more leads.

Marketing automation tools also allow you to send highly targeted personalized content based on someone's behavior and interests. This increases the chances that someone will click through and eventually convert to a lead. Research from Therefore shows that personalized emails can yield a conversion rate of 10-15%.

Tools for marketing automation

There are several tools that can help automate lead generation:

For email marketing, there are platforms such as Constant Contact and MailChimp that support workflows and automation. For example, emails can be sent at predetermined times or leads can automatically receive a series of emails when they take a certain action, such as downloading content.

Social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn offer advertising opportunities to generate leads. Using segmentation, you can ensure that your ads are shown only to your ideal target audience. You can also set up retargeting campaigns based on behavior.

Customer relationship management systems (CRMs) such as Salesforce help manage and qualify leads. For example, you can automatically score leads based on activities and attributes, and forward the most promising leads to sales.


Marketing automation can be a powerful tool for businesses to generate more leads. By automating workflows, marketers can spend more time on strategic tasks instead of manual, repetitive tasks. Marketing automation allows you to identify, qualify and nurture potential leads through the sales funnel.

The main benefits of marketing automation for lead generation are: increasing efficiency, generating more higher quality leads, shortening the sales cycle and improving reporting and analytics. Through automated workflows for things like lead scoring, lead nurturing and trigger-based messaging, companies can generate more qualified leads.

There are many tools available for marketing automation, including HubSpot, Marketo, Pardot and Act-On and, of course, Plusgrowth. It is important to choose the right tool based on your company size, needs and budget. Regardless of which tool you choose, it is crucial to think through your automation strategy and have your processes, content and data in place.

All in all, marketing automation can be a game changer for modern demand generation. By implementing the right tooling and strategy, companies can fill their sales pipelines with more and better leads.

About the author

I'm Marco van den Akker, a strategist and marketer who uses data and creativity to grow Plusgrowth clients' businesses. I'm always happy to work with towards measurable results.
