How to write a compelling CTA

How to write a compelling CTA

A well-written CTA can make or break your marketing campaign. Here are some tips for writing compelling calls-to-action for your marketing campaigns (and for free!)

If you create websites for business purposes, a call to action is a great way to highlight services or products your company offers. So that when a potential customer browses your site, a CTA at the top of the page helps remind them why they/x are there and what you have to offer them.

Important to remember

The most important thing to remember about your call to action is that, above all else, it must be simple. If you make your CTA too complicated or convoluted, you run the risk of confusing and alienating the reader, who may give up before they reach the end.

In recent years, we've seen a shift away from more traditional CTAs like "Click Here" in favor of something more specific. While "Click Here" is certainly still in use, we are seeing many more CTAs that give users a clear idea of what to expect when they click the button. For example:

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Everything starts with the creation of a call to action on your website. The CTA is a response that visitors must make to reach a goal. The goal itself can be defined by you. To choose the right action and text on your website, you need to understand exactly what it is aimed at.

As long as the call to action works, it doesn't matter if it's hidden or in plain sight. What matters is that it fits well with the content and that the visitor feels comfortable enough to press the button.

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About the author

I'm Marco van den Akker, a strategist and marketer who uses data and creativity to grow Plusgrowth clients' businesses. I'm always happy to work with towards measurable results.
