How To Stop Burning Your Google Adwords Budgets On Low-Converting Campaigns

How To Stop Burning Your Google Adwords Budgets On Low-Converting Campaigns

Good news–if you’re looking for a way to stop burning your Google Adwords budgets on low-converting campaigns, then this post is for you. We all know how frustrating it is to keep investing in the wrong channels, right?

If you’re a regular reader of our blog, we’ll know that we love to help digital marketers improve click-through rates and conversions.
If you’re an online marketer, then you likely know the feeling:
You’ve got a great campaign idea that will bring you tons of conversions.
Your conversion rate is missing. You’re getting good traffic volume but spending more time than you’d like to sift through all of it to find the quality leads you’re after. With so many different possible campaigns to invest in and keep up with, it can be difficult to tell when a drive has let us down. And yet, despite your best efforts and intentions, it happens more often than we’d like to admit. It can be tempting to keep throwing money into the same old channel in hopes that things will turn around — but when it comes to Google Adwords and Facebook Ads, in particular, this can be a huge mistake indeed. The fact is that if your click-through rates are low or your conversion rates are too low (or both), then your campaign likely isn’t going to pick up again on its own. You need to take action!

You’re not alone.

Every marketer I know has experienced this before. And the reason is simple: Facebook and Google ads have become deceptively complex. Every time you try to improve your campaign, you’re exposed to a laundry list of factors and decisions to make (think: audiences, copy, ad testing, conversion tracking, optimization tactics, etc.). The result is that you either… Burn money on ads that don’t convert — and keep hoping for the best Throw your hands up in frustration and quit Advertise only to people who have already converted. Sound familiar? Even if you’re doing everything “right,” sometimes it just doesn’t work, and you don’t know why! But guess what — there is a better way…

The good news is that it’s possible to predict the quality of traffic you can get from a long-tail keyword. You have to know the exact steps to follow. Sounds like a tall order? Well, I’m going to show you exactly how you can do this with a free tool called Google Correlate. Google Correlate is a simple yet powerful tool that allows us to find strong correlations between Google Adwords traffic and real-world data.

You can use it as follows:

  1. Find some low-competition, high-converting keywords relevant to your business.
  2. Look for patterns in the data from sources outside of Google Adwords (such as your website analytics).
  3. Use the pattern insights to create more effective ad campaigns on Google Adwords.

We’ve seen it too many times.
New customers burn their budgets on Adwords and low converting keywords because they want to grow their business. We’ve had some new clients in the past that have not worked out well.
If you’re not ranking for your target keywords, you won’t get found by the customers who are searching for what you have to offer. If you don’t see a way to rank for your target keywords, it doesn’t matter if you pay $100,000/month or $100/month. You won’t get results. And if you do want results, you need to make sure your ads show up when people search for the right things.

If you’re not getting any real customers from your Google Adwords campaigns, then you’re in the right place.
We will show you exactly how to find keywords that convert and give you some free tools to help with the process.

Buckle up Spend less on advertising
Here are some questions that I hope you don’t have to ask yourself after reading this article:

What percentage of people who visit my site buy something?
How many of my visitors are just looking around? How many sales do I lose because the visitor has a question that my FAQs can’t answer?

And how much should I spend on advertising per visitor? You see, visitors aren’t sales. A visitor is a lead or a potential sale. You only get paid when these visitors become customers. So how do you know how much money and time to invest in advertising?

There are many different factors involved in answering these questions: cost per click (CPC), ROI, number of conversions… How can you keep track and ensure you don’t spend too much on advertising?

Have no fear – the solution is here.

What Is A Funnel Simulator? A Funnel Simulator lets you quickly model & simulate the potential profit of any sales or marketing funnel or business idea BEFORE you create landing pages or buy traffic – which saves you time & money. Trial and error is expensive, so why not avoid costly mistakes and tactical blunders by using a simulator before you begin your sales funnel optimization efforts? The only problem with most funnel simulators is that they’re not easy to use without having a background in web analytics or advanced math. You see, most traditional funnel simulators rely on advanced mathematical algorithms to model the data in your funnels, which makes it challenging for anyone without an advanced math degree to use. But what if there was a funnel simulator that took all the complicated math out of your way? What if this same funnel simulator made it easy even for non-analytical people like copywriters and newbies to optimize their funnels? What if this same funnel simulator could also help you uncover optimization opportunities that can increase your profits and conversion rates? If only there were a way to make modelling funnels easier.

Schedule a meeting with our team to predict your needed budgets better.

About the author

I’m Marco van den Akker, a strategist and marketer who uses data and creativity to grow Plusgrowth clients’ businesses. I’m always happy to work with towards measurable results.

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