
Google is about to release an update to its algorithm that is expected to shake the SEO world.

Google Helpful Content Update.

Google is about to release an update to its algorithm that is expected to shake the SEO world as much as the Penguin update 10 years ago. The current update is called the “Google Helpful Content Update.” This update starts rolling out this week. It will impact English language sites first and roll-out can take … Read more

Know the Tech stack of any company.

Before they have told it to you. So what exactly is a tech stack? The tech stack refers to the technical elements that you need to know in order to create your website. It’s a combination of different components and software, which can be used by developers to build websites. The most common components are … Read more

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Marketingstrategie zonder resultaat – Spaghetti marketing

Spaghetti Marketing

U bent eigenaar van een bedrijf en u de beslissing genomen om in marketing te investeren. U weet dat marketing positief kan bijdragen aan uw bedrijfsresultaten, maar u weet niet hoe precies. Een goede marketing strategie is meer dan een wekelijkse advertentie in de lokale krant, of het plaatsen van een post op een sociale … Read more
