Tráfico de referencia

How do you build referral traffic?

There are a number of ways to increase the amount of traffic from referrals. The first is to build links to your site. These can be links from sites you own, such as your blog or a sister site, or links from external sites. The second way is to build relationships with other websites and people in your niche so they will link back to you. The third is to create compelling content that others will want to share on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.

The fourth way is to use analytics to monitor how visitors from external sources behave on your website.

The top referral traffic source is search engines, followed by social media networks. More than half of all referral traffic comes from these two sources. The remaining sources of referral traffic include direct and email links, and then a variety of other sources.
The quantity and quality of your website’s organic search engine results can have a significant impact on your site’s referral traffic.
A higher site rank in Google search results for your targeted keywords and phrases — and more frequent variations on those keywords — will increase the number of visitors you get from search engines.

Which keywords and phrases do you target are the subject of ongoing research. But it’s safe to assume that anything you want to bring visitors to your site for also is something people might use as a search term.

You also can take steps to improve the overall quality of your site to maximize its visibility in search engine results and drive more referral traffic that way. The better your site ranks, the more likely it is that people will click through to it from their results pages.
Social media networks remain an important source of referral traffic but one that varies over time because sites such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn change their algorithms frequently.

Other social networks such as Pinterest or Instagram can add to your referral traffic mix. Posting using the Plusgrowth Calendar to post on all the above-mentioned networks will help you build a consistent inflow of traffic.

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